Mobile security is vital to any business that wants to reduce the risk of unwanted access to their sensitive information.
One huge time suck for lots of businesses is dealing with invoices. Scanning invoices offers four ways to save time with invoices.
The WannaCry VirusOver the weekend, the world experienced one of the most severe ransomware outbreaks (named WannaCry) in history, with businesses of all sizes in over 150 countries impacted. Most n
If you understand the risks, create a recovery solution, and constantly test, adapt, and evolve, you can be ready when disaster strikes.
Learn the 3 reasons why more data has been created in the past 30 years than in the past 5,000.
The cloud has been an IT buzzword for a long time now, but a lot of people still don’t fully understand what the cloud is, or how it can be used to help their company.Official Definition- If you G
When you’re scanning a 25-page document, and end up with 25 separate files on your hard drive, it’s a sign you need a new scanning system. Odds are you have the wrong kind of scanner or you don’t have
As companies continue to go paperless, security software needs to keep information safe.
The significance of IT security can’t be exaggerated, and it’s vital that every company take steps to defend against attack. Being familiar with the three primary kinds of IT security will help you ma
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