All client names have been changed due to confidentiality agreements.Using the friendly neighborhood IT guy is fine when a company is starting out. But when the friendly neighborhood IT guy sets u
Filing and finding paper documents is _________ [fill in the blank].Most business owners and managers will use words like: “irritating,” “tiresome,” “annoying,” “time-consuming,” and maybe even “a
Once you decide you need a document scanner, there are a few considerations you should think about before making a purchase.
Once a lease has run its course there are four basic options: purchase the equipment, return it, upgrade, or lease it again.
As businesses seek to improve and ideally automate their workflows, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is helping this dream of automation a reality. OCR can scan a printed document and convert both
The more paper a company deals with, the more they need a high-volume scanner.
As more business is managed from mobile devices, the need for mobile printing as never been stronger.
To eliminate this unnecessary confusion, we put together a quick list of important ECM terms with simple and practical definitions.
The darkness has long since evoked fear and distress in the hearts of those who don’t know what’s vailed beyond the reaches of the light. In this week’s IT Horror, we find a man battling the darkness
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