Below are some definitions of commonly used terms. How many can you correctly define?
TCP/IP - (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. When you are set up with direct access to the Internet, your computer is provided with a copy of the TCP/IP program.
DPI – (dots per inch) is a printing term that describes the number of dots per inch that are used to create an image, and measures quality of printed images.
FTP – (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard Internet protocol that is the easiest way to exchange files between computers on the Internet.
HTTP - (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules for transferring files, including text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files, on the web.
OCR - (Optical Character Recognition) involves computer software designed to translate images of typewritten text or pictures of characters, into machine-editable text.
Ping - an Internet program that verifies the existence of an IP address.
POP3 - (Post Office Protocol 3) is a client/server protocol in which email is received and held for you by the Internet server. This standard protocol is built into most email products such as Outlook Express.
Protocol - a certain set of rules used in information technology for communication.
SMB - (Server Message Block) a protocol for sharing files, printers, serial ports, and communications which allows a user to access files at a remote server.
SMTP - (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for sending and receiving email messages between servers.
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