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Creating Responses From Your Print Marketing Materials

Businessman working on laptop in office while talking on phone

Printed marketing materials can be used to connect directly to your target audience and elicit an immediate response or action. To do so, your printed materials need to be branded, look professional and be targeted specifically to your audience. It’s not enough to simply grab a consumer’s attention. You need to hold it in order to convince an individual to contact you or purchase your product. Here are a few best practices for your print marketing to follow to ensure you get the best results possible. Identify your audience The first step for any marketing plan is to identify who your audience is. When it comes to print marketing, you’ll want to also consider how often your materials are going to be seen, how many people will have access to them, and where they will be used. The answers to these questions will dictate the type of materials you produce and may also influence the way you deploy them. Also, think about the product or service you’re advertising as that also influences the type of photography or artwork you’ll want to include. Get creative Your print marketing shouldn’t look like everyone else’s. In order to set yourself apart, take this opportunity to inject some creativity and some of your business’s culture. This not only applies to the look of the materials, but also where they’re used and how your audience interacts with them. Don’t be afraid to be unique because, while it may be a risk, being unique also makes you memorable. Offer incentives Remember that your primary objective in printed direct response marketing is to connect with your target audience. In order to increase the chances that consumers contact you or follow up in some way, offer them an incentive to do so. A no risk free sample or trial is ideal in most cases. This tactic is best used in highly targeted campaigns since you want to make sure only your audience has an opportunity to take advantage of your offer. This allows them to see what you’re all about and get a sense of your service. If you perform well, those free items can quickly turn into paying customers. Call to action Finally, you’ll need to spell out exactly what you want your audience to do after receiving your message. You may want them to call, visit your website or stop into your store. Whatever the desired action in, tell them to do it. Without a call to action, many individuals will see your materials and take no additional action. Simply adding a CTA greatly increases your response rate, but you’ll want to make a reasonable request. Don’t ask for too much because consumers who don’t know you aren’t willing to go out of their way. Make it an action that’s valuable to you, but easy for the consumer.

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