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How to Eliminate Potholes on the Road to Document Management


Despite living in the information age, organizing and managing the huge amount of data that companies produce can be a difficult challenge. Electronic content management (ECM) has become instrumental to businesses around the globe. An ECM solution is the best way to empower your business to efficiently manage its data.

However, there are potholes you need to avoid while implementing a document management solution. Having a clear understanding of these potholes will help ensure a successful implementation.

One huge pothole is lack of preparation. The first step in ECM implementation should be working with your ECM provider to create a clear plan. Nothing is set in stone, and this plan can change as needed, but to profitably implement an ECM solution you have to know where you’re going, how you’ll get there, and what to expect when you do.

Another common pothole is not including everyone who will be involved in the process. Implementing a document management solution will affect a lot of different employees, departments, systems, and processes, so synchronization and cooperation across the company is vital. It will allow you to define and designate resources, responsibilities, and permissions necessary to move forward. Including all parties and opening lines of communication throughout the office will make the implementation a smooth one.

Lastly, humans are creatures of habit and most don’t enjoy change. So, shifting how your employees do their job will almost certainly be met with some pushback – even if change is helpful. That’s why it’s important to sell employees on ECM before implementation begins. Show them why it’s necessary, how it will help the company, and how it will help them. Then, properly train them so they are prepared to hit the ground running. This should dispel their instinct to resist change.

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