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Three Telltale Signs You Need Managed Print Services

Illustration of different types of digital content with "PRINTING" in large block letters

Optimizing your fleet of office equipment takes more than a standardized approach. Every office is different and thus, each office’s print needs are different. When a fleet of office equipment is managed properly, the benefits are clear. However, sometimes it can be unclear whether or not you need to spend the time and money optimizing your printing process. To make that decision easier, here are three signs you need to optimize with managed print services- Continuity Issues-  Has your office bought or rented print equipment made by different manufacturers without considering how they’ll function together? Having no continuity makes operating systems work less efficiently. By networking every printer together, it allows a lot of information to be communicated between the different devices. Add the right software to centrally monitor and manage devices, and you'll enable proper calibration of the fleet. Unregulated Spending- Spontaneous or unregulated spending on print equipment and supplies leads to over-spending and bad equipment selection. When a buying strategy is nowhere to be found, companies will inevitably overpay for supplies they need and buy too many supplies they don’t really need. Missing Data- When you have little to no data tracking on your print equipment you can’t know where the inefficiencies are, or, more importantly, how to fix them. Page coverage, under-utilized devices, over-used devices, page counts, service reports, and alerts are all data points you need to be tracking. When you have access to the right data you can make smart purchases. If your company checked all or some of these boxes, it’s time to upgrade to managed print services. JD Young has been helping companies of all sizes get the data and equipment they need to make informed print decisions and purchases.

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