Every company needs to have a firm grasp of what data they are gathering, how they’re using it, who they’re sharing data with, how all the data is protected, and other related concerns that protect privacy.
1. Develop a Privacy Policy
After policies and plans for collecting and using data are determined, these policies need to be clarified with a Privacy Policy. Make sure to follow all legal requirements when doing this.
2. Be Broad
Generally, when you draft a Privacy Policy it’s a good idea to be as broad as you can. This gives your company more leeway if you’re forced to hand over data for any reason or in the event of a corporate restructuring, merger, or acquisition.
3. Plan Ahead
Be aware that any company with access to your data could be subpoenaed for information records. When you understand this, you can appropriately prepare with policies that give your customers’ the right expectations regarding privacy and personal data.
4. Get Prior Consent
It’s highly advised that you get prior consent from your customers about possible personal information transfers that might be subpoenaed by the government.
5. Secure Your Website
To protect against cyber-attacks, create a web monitoring plan that automatically scans your site for privacy issues to make sure your site is safe and that security measures are still effective.
Securing your customer’s data can be a burdensome job. Still, as companies continue to go paperless, security software needs to keep information safe.