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Dive Under the Surface of DocuWare Cloud to Understand Its True Value

Illustration of clouds in the a blue sky

Figuring out how much cloud storage your organization needs to take full advantage of cloud-based document management and workflow automation solution is an important step in your digital journey. Let’s say you’ve determined that 10 GB of storage will meet your business needs. Once you’re confident that your calculations are accurate, you're ready to implement your cloud solution.

It may surprise you, but DocuWare Cloud gives you much more than the gigabytes you pay for to support productive work. There’s a lot going on below the surface that contributes to DocuWare Cloud's high availability, advanced security and disaster recovery capabilities.

This infographic reveals the hidden value of the cloud storage we deploy on your behalf to back up your documents and data, maintain security and improve your document management system’s performance.

Cloud storage infographic

8 Key Advantages of the DocuWare Cloud Infrastructure

  1. DocuWare Cloud’s dedicated data centers, in the EU, US, Japan and Australia, mirror and store data three times. The backup strategy the solution provides enables the recovery of documents and data that protects your company now and in the future.
  2. There is a strict separation between the DocuWare system and customer data, and comprehensive logging of all system administrator actions adds an additional security layer.
  3. DocuWare Cloud reliably guarantees the security, protection, and recoverability of customer data. It supports customers in their compliance efforts by applying regional data protection laws. Data protection through technology design (privacy by design) has always been a fundamental principle at DocuWare.
  4. With a cloud-first strategy and web-native applications, DocuWare Cloud is engineered to take full advantage of its Microsoft Azure platform in order to develop new features and capabilities.
  5. The solution’s security and compliance capabilities are enhanced by Microsoft’s proactive approach to security, compliance and privacy. For example, DocuWare Cloud leverages its capacity to identify new security threats and respond quickly due to real-time global cybersecurity intelligence.
  6. At peak times when more users are hitting the system, DocuWare Cloud automatically scales based on the number of requests from these users and the resulting load on the system.
  7. DocuWare Cloud can be integrated with almost any other enterprise application to maximize the benefits of document management and workflow automation. This works regardless of whether this application is on-premises or cloud-based.
  8. DocuWare is tested regularly and certified by independent third-party institutions. These objective audits focus on security as well as processes. The solution meets the requirements of HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR, APPI, SOC 2, Type 2, NF552 on GDPR and many more. Take

DocuWare Cloud for a test drive with a free trial.

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