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DocuWare for your distributed and mobile workforce

Woman working on laptop computer in home office

If you're building a modern digital business, you need the flexibility of a mobile and distributed workforce. DocuWare mobile workforce solutions help you build the new model of productivity: anytime, anywhere, any-device.

Effortlessly capture. Instantly access. Always secure.

DocuWare document management and workflow automation means business information for the process of right now. Accessing the right document and completing the right process should never have boundaries.

Sales in the field

Archived emails, quotes, invoices, proposals, contracts, presentations and other aspects of the centralized customer record are available on the road, in the office of a customer, or meeting with a partner.

Traveling managers

Contracts, HR documents, financial reports and presentations are a click away for managers out of the office. DocuWare works on smartphones, tablets and laptops, so getting information and completing workflows is always possible.

Working from home

Teams and individuals are working from home more often than ever. Slow VPNs and messy network drives are productivity killers. DocuWare enables centralized, instant access to documents and workflow.

Distributed offices

DocuWare keeps the flow of information seamless between all teams, no matter their office location. Instant, cloud-accelerated workflow ensures all transactions are real-time everywhere.

Solutions for the any-X team

Your team’s best work can happen outside the walls and limitations of a traditional office. By embracing the inherent flexibility of mobile, every knowledge worker can drive workflow forward in their business context.

For example:

Start a workflow: Snap a picture of a document and kick off a new process based on automatically indexed data

Participate in processes: Route documents for approval, provide additional information or simply perform an ad-hoc search

Complete tasks: Approve queries and make informed decisions without delays

The “any-X” strategy supports real-time, agile business that need to operate beyond walls, working hours and stationary desktops. It reflects the distributed model of worker empowerment: any time, any place, any device.

Any time

Time zones and hectic travel schedules are no longer a hurdle. Keep business moving in an asynchronous world.

Any place

Keep connected anywhere in the world: on the road, from a home office, in a satellite office, or anywhere with a network connection.

Any device

All technologies are welcome: smartphones, tablets, laptops; Mac, Windows, iOS, Android; WiFi or 4G.

All in the cloud

With browser-based clients and worldwide data centers, teams are synchronized in their productivity.

Mobile and distributed workforces are the new normal

We’ve all seen the trend. More business than ever is completed through mobile devices, and more teams than ever are operating in a distributed fashion.

DocuWare polled 534 business owners and managers in charge of whether employees worked remotely during the coronavirus pandemic. Around 29% noted that some employees were working from home, and 30% said all employees were working from home. That's almost 60% of businesses managing a remote workforce.

Download the full infographic to see how you compare to businesses that weren't prepared for a new "work from home" workforce.

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