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Cutting Operating Costs with Document Management

Harried-looking man sitting behind a clock and two large stacks of paper

Using an Electronic Content Management (ECM) system allows your company to efficiently manage both paper and electronic documents, which reduces operating costs by streamlining task efficiency. Information on Demand  After your documents are scanned into a digital format, it’s not necessary to leave your computer to search for information. All you need is a few keyboard strokes and an Internet connection to locate and access all your files and documents, no matter where you are. When you ramp up the speed of finding records and data, your efficiency skyrockets. An ECM system keeps all your data in a searchable and organized storehouse. The time you used to spend searching for information can now be used to satisfy your clients. Moreover, the capability to locate and distribute data rapidly, cuts down on the costs associated with operating expenses. Compliance problems are easily solved with greater confidence and mitigation of risk with controls such as restricted access to sensitive data and consistent document management procedures. An ECM solution also eliminates the cost of lost documents, and implements office-wide rules and uniform procedures to help retain the integrity of the data and makes it easily traceable. The Cost of Paper  One of the biggest savings categories comes from cutting the resources it takes to file and store hard copies. Manually filing and alphabetizing is a huge drain on company time, but with ECM all these files can be properly sorted in a matter of seconds. It might not sound like a lot, but when you add all this saved time up at the end of the year, it can save the company thousands. You’ll also be able to save office space and money spent on offsite storage, by getting rid of the need for filing cabinets.

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