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The True Potential of Scanning Solutions

Woman selecting an option on an office copier's smart screen

Most companies have a limited view of scanning that only includes the advantage of electronic storage. While storing files electronically is a much better storage method than traditional filing cabinets, there are many other benefits to scanning that businesses may be unaware of. Scanning is a great way to lower document costs and improve operational efficiency. No matter what industry your business operates in, scanning solutions, when applied properly, will generate several key benefits that will give your bottom line a boost. After scanning documents, an electronic content management (ECM) system will take it to the next level with a long list of practical time and money-saving benefits. These benefits include:

  • Increased productivity
  • Shortened document retrieval time
  • Increased compliance
  • Reduced labor costs
  • Streamlined auditing
  • Reduced storage costs

Think about how much time you spend looking for documents that have been misfiled or lost altogether. Take that number and multiply it by the number of employees in your company. Now multiply that number by the average rate you pay employees, and you’ll quickly see how the soft cost of your filing system is costing your company a small fortune. Doing this simple math exercise exemplifies the true value of combining scanning with ECM software. Managing your business documents with these tools is a snap to do and will cut out a ton of inefficiencies. ECM can also lead to better customer service because your employees will be able to find files pertaining to customers’ orders, bills, and accounts in half of the time of digging through filing cabinets. This leads to happier customers and more efficient employees, which are both good for the company’s bottom line. So, while scanning files is often useful, it only scratches the surface of the true potential of scanning. When you incorporate the process of real-time scanning, you can sit back and watch your company’s workflow drastically improve.

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