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See Why OCR Is Such a Workflow Game Changer

Optical Character Recognition: Written over cropped photo of people working on laptops

As businesses seek to improve and ideally automate their workflows, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is helping this dream of automation a reality. OCR can scan a printed document and convert both typed and handwritten text into a machine-readable format. This procedure is performed by a high-tech algorithm that then allows you to quickly convert hard copies into editable, searchable and electronically storable digital files. Using OCR, you can take a stack of paperwork a mile high and zap it into an electronic format without having the need for arduous manual data entry. This ability can be a game changer in a lot of ways. Here are a few ways to take advantage of OCR.

  • Improved Efficiency- Being able to immediately search through digital content can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your employees. Converting documents into electronic format with searchable text means you don’t have to spend time digging through folders in filing cabinets looking for the information you need to get the job done. With OCR, you can find exactly what you need with just a few strokes of a keyboard by searching with keywords and phrases.
  • Editable Text- Traditional scanned documents are only an image of the document, which makes editing the text impossible, at least without Photoshop and some graphic design know-how. With OCR, scanned documents are often fully editable, making corrections and annotations a breeze.
  • Greater Accessibility – Once your documents and files are converted to digital files, they can be displayed online and conveniently shared electronically between employees and departments.
  • Reduced Space- Storing documents digitally takes up considerably less space than storing all your hard copies in filing cabinets. This opens up office space for more desk space, a bigger break room, or saving money by renting a smaller office space.

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