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Automate Your Paper Processes

Illustration of man pointing at "Automation"

Filing and finding paper documents is _________ [fill in the blank].

Most business owners and managers will use words like: “irritating,” “tiresome,” “annoying,” “time-consuming,” and maybe even “a pain in the _____!” It doesn’t have to be this way. Using electronic content management to automate file storage and retrieval is an easy way to reach new levels of efficiency, productivity, and profitability. An ECM solution finds ways to improve your paper process by eliminating unnecessary procedures. Receipts, invoices, memos, proposals, and records – you name it, ECM can automate it. Any paper document can be turned into a digital file and quickly stored in the proper place. When it comes time to access the file again, you can search for it by date, subject, keyword, and other practical search criteria.

Scanning is only half the fun. By using intelligent indexing software, your scanner can read the file and automatically suggest the best place to store it. All you have to do is review the suggestion and confirm your preference with a few clicks. This system is continually learning, so the longer you use it the more accurate the suggestions become. Automating your paper process with ECM lets your employees spend more time using the files to generate revenue and less time looking for files. Along with this increased productivity, you’ll also get all these additional benefits.

  • A flexible/customizable solution — you get only what you need.
  • Total security — with redundant storage, encryption and authorized access tools.
  • Central document pool — all documents are digitally stored for easy retrieval.
  • Scalable — your document management solution will grow with you.

Time is money. Save both by automating your document processes.

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