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Teamwork Makes the Dream

Top-down photo of various computers and tables around a conference table

All client names have been changed due to confidentiality agreements. While JD Young certainly has the ability to act as a company’s primary IT provider, we also have the ability to come alongside existing IT teams to supplement their efforts. This was the case with Cyberdyne Petroleum.

The Client
Cyberdyne Petroleum provides gasoline and diesel fuel delivery to wholesale and retail locations in Northeast Oklahoma. They have a staff of more than 100 employees spread across multiple locations in the Tulsa area, and the employees in the IT department were wearing thin.

The Problem
With an existing IT department in place, Cyberdyne didn’t want JD Young to replace the team they already had, they just wanted us to lighten the load. Cyberdyne's IT department spent most of their time fixing minor breakdowns caused by a hodgepodge of equipment that didn’t integrate well together. Putting out these fires all day was distracting them from their primary duties.

The Solution
It was our mission to assist the current IT staff by creating a strategic plan to standardize hardware environment and troubleshoot any future minor breakdowns. We did so by auditing the current infrastructure and staff resources to create a plan that optimized the capability of the existing staff while giving them the support they needed. In addition to standardizing hardware, we also upgraded firewalls for more security, improved data backups, implemented Office 365 for seamless integration of all devices, and even ran new fiber-optic Internet lines to ensure fast connection speeds.

The Outcome
The combination of uniform hardware upgrades and remote monitoring has allowed Cyberdyne’s IT staff to focus on revenue generating projects instead of running from fire to fire. Additionally, communication between locations has also greatly improved, which has led to an impressive productivity surge.

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